best physiotherapist for runners in West London

Run Smart in 2020

Box fresh
If you are a novice runner or resuming running after a long break, take things easy.
If you are new to running, it’s always good to get advice on the best shoes for your foot type. A quick internet search should give you a selection of specialist running shops in your area.
For more experienced runners, make sure your running shoes are in good condition. After a year’s regular use or 500 miles, you should be looking to replace your running shoes.

Walking wounded
If you’ve stopped running because of injury, it’s a good idea to get things checked out before you resume training. Often just some well-informed advice from a specialist physiotherapist can be enough to reduce the risk of aches and pains returning. You may need a programme of specific stretches and strengthening exercises to prepare your body for high-impact training.

Ready, steady…
If you are training for an event such as a marathon, it’s important to avoid overtraining – this is one of the main causes of injury to runners. Advice on training schedules can be a great asset in preventing running-related injuries.

On the right track
If your training is going well and you’re looking to improve your technique, increase pace or prevent injury, advice from a specialist physiotherapist can put you in the best position to achieve your running goals.
You might benefit from advice on cadence, strength training etc and at Hammersmith Physiotherapy, we provide you with a video running gait assessment which enables us to highlight areas that can be improved with the correct rehabilitation programme.

Angela Benjamin